Washington OES BLOG

This is the Official Washington, Order of the Eastern Star BLOG

International Grand Representatives Association

Did you know that all current and former Grand Representatives are entitled to membership in the International Grand Representation Association, (IGRA), representing Grand Chapters – AROUND THE WORLD – extending Eastern Star hospitality wherever we go. Bringing love, happiness, and enthusiasm to every Grand Chapter recognized by the General Grand C...

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Slides from Int'l Temple WA DC offered

Beverly Stewart from Greenwood Chapter No. 196 has her mother's, Joan Breda, Past Matron, slides from the International Temple in Washington, D.C. and wants to know if anyone would like them. If someone desires the slides and other information, please contact Beverly Stewart bevstewart821@gmail.com or 206-542-6881 

Grand Chapter Committees interest form

Are you interested in being on one of the Grand Chapter Committees? Grand Chapter Committees Interest/Application form  This form is also located on the Grand Chapter Committees webpage at https://washingtonoes.org/index.php/gc/grand-chapter-committee-members  

Online Donations

You can now make online donations to Make a Wish and the Youth Leadership Training. Go to Charities and select donations.