Dear Chapter Secretaries ~
Notes for Secretaries:
- All communication from the Grand Chapter office must be acted upon and recorded. If it comes from this office, it has been approved by the Worthy Grand Matron.
- It would be greatly appreciated if secretaries would inventory their chapter needs and if possible, order enough supplies for the year’s work at one time. This would help greatly and save on postage and time.
- Please notify the Grand Secretary of all changes in the chapter membership during the year (monthly reports). They are due on the 10th day of the following month. The end of the year is fast approaching.
- Please use the OES website for information and forms as you need them. If you don’t find a form under downloadable forms, email me and I will send it to you.
- Please send in names of those who are eligible for their 50-year pins/certificates if due before March 31st of the new year. Once the books are closed on March 31st, no 50-year pins/certificates or Life Memberships will be issued until after the books are reopened after the per capita billing.
- Please remind your chapter treasurer to not staple checks to invoices. The bank doesn’t like those little holes that the stapler leaves in the checks. Include the invoice number on the checks.
- And most importantly, thanks for all you do for your chapters. I know I can be demanding, but please know that You are very much appreciated.

Patricia DeMuth
Grand Secretary of Washington
Order of The Eastern Star
817 So. Vassault ST
Tacoma WA 98465
Additional Reminders:
- Although the Benevolence Letter from GGC would like you to mail your collected funds directly to the Right Worthy Grand Secretary, this Grand Chapter Office would prefer you send the collected funds to this office and I will send them to General Grand Chapter. This will help us to keep track of how generous our Jurisdiction can be.
- When sending checks to the Grand Office, please include the invoice number on the check.
- On the No Change Monthly Report Form, please include the total number of your Chapter's membership. This number is needed.