Please be patient as we upload resources and feel free to email resources (skits/addenda, speeches, poems, etc.) to waoesweb@gmail.com or to voorhees.vicki@gmail.com

Addendum Honoring Past Matron & Past Patron

Be Thankful for America poem

Draping the Charter (a short tribute)

Eastern Star Membership Brochure-updated Nov 2024

Guidance for Prospective Grand Candidates 

    Uniform Candidate Information Sheet (Fill-in word form, contains macros)

Honoring Past Matrons & Past Patrons

Initiation Talk for Marshal, Star Points & Assoc Matron

Informal Reminders from AC to Candidates

Informal OES Memorial Flower Ceremony

Memorial Poem: I Heard Your Voice

Memorial Poem: The Broken Chain

New OES Member Guidelines booklet

OES Affiliation Ceremony

OES Badge Retiring Ceremony

OES Letter to Newly-Raised Master Mason

OES Proficiency Test  (2024)

OES Songs for Initiation

OES Ritual Memory Techniques

Song for Outgoing or Jr-Past Matron & Patron